50 Mind-Bending Riddles to Challenge Your Wits

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Here’s the list of questions, followed by the answers at the end:

  1. Question: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
  2. Question: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have nobody, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?
  3. Question: What gets wetter as it dries?
  4. Question: What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
  5. Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?
  6. Question: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
  7. Question: What has a neck but no head?
  8. Question: What is as light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest person couldn’t hold it for long?
  9. Question: What goes up but never comes down?
  10. Question: What belongs to you but is used more by others?
  11. Question: What has one eye but can’t see?
  12. Question: What starts with an “e,” ends with an “e,” and contains only one letter?
  13. Question: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
  14. Question: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
  15. Question: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
  16. Question: What can be cracked, made, told, and played?
  17. Question: What comes once in a year, twice in a month, but never in a week?
  18. Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?
  19. Question: What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
  20. Question: What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water?
  21. Question: What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner?
  22. Question: What is full of holes but still holds water?
  23. Question: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
  24. Question: What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
  25. Question: What can you catch but not throw?
  26. Question: I am not alive, but I can grow. I don’t have lungs, but I need air. What am I?
  27. Question: What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
  28. Question: What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right hand?
  29. Question: What gets bigger when more is taken away?
  30. Question: What has keys but can’t open locks, and space but no rooms or doors?
  31. Question: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
  32. Question: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks?
  33. Question: What has a bottom at the top?
  34. Question: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
  35. Question: What has one eye but can’t see?
  36. Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?
  37. Question: What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?
  38. Question: What has many keys but can’t open any locks?
  39. Question: What can you hold without ever touching it?
  40. Question: What has an eye but cannot see?
  41. Question: What is at the end of a rainbow?
  42. Question: What can be caught but never thrown?
  43. Question: What is something that you can keep after giving it to someone else?
  44. Question: What is it that the more you take, the more you leave behind?
  45. Question: What runs but never walks, murmurs but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, and has a mouth but never eats?
  46. Question: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
  47. Question: What breaks yet never falls, and what falls yet never breaks?
  48. Question: What has keys but can’t open locks?
  49. Question: What can be seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
  50. Question: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?


  1. A stamp.
  2. An echo.
  3. A towel.
  4. The future.
  5. A piano.
  6. Footsteps.
  7. A bottle.
  8. Breath.
  9. Your age.
  10. Your name.
  11. A needle.
  12. An envelope.
  13. Footsteps.
  14. The letter ‘m’.
  15. A penny.
  16. A joke.
  17. The letter ‘e’.
  18. A piano.
  19. A keyboard.
  20. A map.
  21. A stamp.
  22. A sponge.
  23. The letter ‘m’.
  24. Silence.
  25. A cold.
  26. Fire.
  27. A clock.
  28. Your right hand.
  29. A hole.
  30. A computer keyboard.
  31. A penny.
  32. A river.
  33. Your legs.
  34. Footsteps.
  35. A needle.
  36. A piano.
  37. Silence.
  38. A piano.
  39. A conversation.
  40. A needle.
  41. The letter ‘w’.
  42. A cold.
  43. Your word.
  44. Footsteps.
  45. A river.
  46. A penny.
  47. Day breaks and night falls.
  48. A piano.
  49. The letter “r”.
  50. The letter “m”.

These questions are meant to challenge common assumptions and encourage creative thinking.

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