How To Export Leather Goods From Pakistan?

How To Export Leather Goods From Pakistan? To export leather goods from Pakistan, you will need to follow these steps: Obtain a National Tax Number (NTN) and register with the Pakistan Customs and Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). Obtain a certificate of origin from the Chamber of Commerce. Obtain a sales tax registration certificate from the Sales Tax Department. Obtain an export registration certificate from the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP). Obtain any other necessary licenses or permits, such as those for exporting hazardous materials or protected species. Find a freight forwarder or shipping agent to handle the logistics of exporting the goods. Pack and label the goods according to international standards. File the necessary export documentation, such as the bill of lading and the commercial invoice, with the customs authorities. Pay any applicable export duties or taxes. Arrange for the shipment of the goods to the destination country. Note: This is a general overview and depending on the specific type of leather goods you are exporting, there may be additional regulations or requirements you need to follow. It is recommended to consult with a trade lawyer or an export consultant for more detailed information.

How To Export Leather Goods From Pakistan?

This Leather and leather goods sector strategy is part of the National Priority Sectors
Export Strategy (NPSES) initiative which contributes to the implementation of Pakistan’s
Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF) 2020-2025.

The World Trade Organization and the United Nations jointly run the ITC. The Trade Development Strategies Programme, which is part of the ITC’s mandate to promote sustainable development through improved trade possibilities, provides a range of trade-related strategy solutions to optimize the benefits of trade for development. The trade objectives of a country or region are the focus of ITC-facilitated trade development strategies and roadmaps, which can also be customized to high-level economic goals, specialized development targets, or particular sectors. This paper was created utilizing the approach, process, and technical support provided by the International Trade Centre (ITC) as part of its Trade Development Strategy initiative. The Revenue Mobilization, Investment, and Trade project (ReMIT) supported the creation of this publication. by the British government, with ITC carrying it out. The opinions presented here do not represent ITC’s official position. Mentioning businesses, goods, and product names does not imply ITC’s support. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office provided financial assistance for the creation of this paper. In no way should the opinions expressed in this publication be interpreted as representing those of the British government.

How To Export Leather Goods From Pakistan?

Pakistan’s leather goods exports post modest growth

Comparing the first nine months of the current fiscal year 2021-22 to the same period last year, Pakistan’s exports of goods made of leather increased by 8.5%. According to PBS data, exports of leather goods increased from $428 million in July-March 2020-21 to $464 million in July-March 2021-22. Leather garments, whose exports climbed by 7.95 percent from $219.592 million last year to $237.055 million this year, were among the leather products that helped drive trade growth. Similarly, exports of leather goods such as gloves climbed by 8.74 percent from $195.870 million to $212.987 million and by 13.08 percent from $12.261 million to $13.865 million this year. Exports of leather products, meanwhile, fell 9.12% in March 2022 compared to the same month in the previous year. Compared to March 2021, when exports were $45.696 million, March 2022 exports totaled $41.528 million. While exports of other leather products climbed by 2.74 percent from $1.313 million last year to $1.349 million this year, exports of leather gloves fell by 11.84 percent from $24.584 million to $21.674 million. Exports of leather clothing fell from $19.799 million in 2017 to $18.505 million in 2018, a 6.54 percent decline. Comparing the first nine months of the current fiscal year 2021-22 to the same period last year, Pakistan’s exports of goods made of leather increased by 8.5%. According to PBS data, exports of leather goods increased from $428 million in July-March 2020-21 to $464 million in July-March 2021-22. Leather garments, whose exports climbed by 7.95 percent from $219.592 million last year to $237.055 million this year, were among the leather products that helped drive trade growth. Similarly, exports of leather goods such as gloves climbed by 8.74 percent from $195.870 million to $212.987 million and by 13.08 percent from $12.261 million to $13.865 million this year.2020-21. Germany, Italy, the United States, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom are Pakistan’s biggest export markets for leather. One of the three most significant export industries in Pakistan, the leather and leather goods sector employs hundreds of thousands of people and accounts for 4% of export earnings.

How To Export Leather Goods From Pakistan?

How To Export Leather Goods From Pakistan?Click here to read more details

Pakistan Export Strategy Leather and Leather Goods 2023-2027
Leather and leather products have been designated as a priority focus export industry for growth in Pakistan’s National Priority Sectors Export Strategy (NPSES). and growth during the following five years. After textiles, leather is the second-largest industry, providing around 5.4% to export profits. Leather is a very dynamic value-added sector that is job-oriented, as it directly employs over 500,000 people. The leather industry is going through a significant shift to prove its value in the new global sustainability paradigm. Our members in Pakistan have already started putting a plan in place to take advantage of a sustainable leather value chain. But this also calls for coordinated efforts in policymaking between the public and private sectors. Pakistan Leather and Leather Goods Export Strategy have been created as a address all sector-related challenges, including performance-affecting competitive limitations. This strategy is the result of the stakeholders’ collaborative effort and reflects public-private cooperation. It was finished after several months of stakeholder consultation meetings and workshops. Its implementation is equally dependent on each of our efforts to help Pakistan find a niche in the global economy and a place for its leath.We anticipate that by putting the NPSES’s recommendations into practice, we will be able to compete more successfully in the worldwide market for leather and leather items, expand into new emerging areas, and solidify our position in those where we now export. Our sector must prioritize adhering to sustainable norms, increasing certification requirements, enhancing labor skills, and fostering innovation, as this strategy has correctly highlighted. In the meanwhile, we stress the importance of a steady and predictable policy and regulatory system. Public and commercial sector players worked together to develop the NPSES guidelines in order to maximize assets and get around limitations. The PTA and PLGMEA think that implementing the right plan will aid in the industry’s transformation. self. However, we stress how crucial it is for the government to remain committed to creating the infrastructure, framework, and laws needed for the industry to advance. The private sector, which is the main beneficiary of this strategy’s implementation and was directly involved in its design process, has made a commitment to help with its implementation in order to help this industry realize its enormous potential and grow to new heights. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all parties who, in one way or another, contributed to the development of this approach.

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