Japanese Made Toyota

Japanese Made Toyota

Japanese Made Toyota is arguably the most illustrious brand of Japanese automobiles. No other brand name in the automotive industry evokes potent associations with dependability and durability across the lineup. Even though Lexus, Toyota’s luxury sub-brand, is typically regarded by specialists and surveys to be the most reliable car brand, if you ask the average person on the street what the most reliable brand of cars is, they will almost surely respond with Toyota. Being the epitome of what we think of as efficient and effective Japanese manufacturing, Toyota has earned a famous reputation for dependability. Without going into all the specifics (we have more information in our article about why Toyota and Lexus cars are so darn reliable), following World War 2, Japanese companies had to be effective and resourceful with their manufacturing due to limited resources and a difficult competitive environment.

Japanese Made Toyota

Where Are Toyota Cars MadeJapanese Made Toyota

Japanese-Made Toyota This resulted in the creation of the “Kaizen” concept, which can be roughly translated as “continuous improvement.” This idea eventually became the foundation of Toyota’s research and development and manufacturing methods. Although there is much more to it than this brief explanation, for the purposes of this article, all that is necessary to know is that Toyota is widely regarded as the industry leader in applying Kaizen principles and that the Kaizen concept helped Japanese companies become better at manufacturing and producing reliable products (with some of their own spins on it). As a result, Toyota has established an outstanding reputation for dependability and is one of the most dependable brands in the automotive sector.

The “where” of Toyota manufacturing is the topic of this installment of Car Facts. To learn more about the “why,” keep in mind that you can read our tutorial on why Toyota cars are so dependable here.

Table of Contents

  • Is Every Toyota Car Built In Japan?
  • Where Else Does Toyota Make Cars?
  • Are All Toyotas For Sale In America Made In America?
  • Does Toyota Still Make Cars In Australia?
  • Are Japanese-Built Toyotas More Reliable?
  • How Do You Tell Where Your Toyota Is Built?
  • Conclusion – Are All Toyotas Made In Japan?

Is Every Toyota Car Built In Japan?

You could be excused for thinking that a Japanese automobile manufacturer with such a solid reputation for dependability and quality control would produce everything in Japan. It could appear simpler to carry out all manufacturing in Japan and then ship the finished product elsewhere. But not all Toyota vehicles are produced in Japan. Toyota actually produces automobiles all around the world!

Japanese Made Toyota

Where Else Does Toyota Make Cars?

You could be excused for thinking that a Japanese automobile manufacturer with such a solid reputation for dependability and quality control would produce everything in Japan. It could appear simpler to carry out all manufacturing in Japan and then ship the finished product elsewhere. But not all Toyota vehicles are produced in Japan. Toyota actually produces automobiles all around the world!

  • The United States of America
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • France
  • Turkey
  • The United Kingdom
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Russia
  • South Africa

Here is a great, detailed list of Toyota factories provided by Wikipedia. This includes the factories where cars are put together as well as the facilities where parts are made. One thing to keep in mind is that Toyota owns some factories directly (or one of its subsidiaries like Toyota Motor Europe, which controls European operations). In some areas, other manufacturers produce as a part of a joint venture or under a license.

Japanese Made Toyota

Are All Toyotas For Sale In America Made In America?

They are not, though. There are several Toyota models that are manufactured in Japan (or elsewhere) and then imported into America for sale, even though the bulk of Toyotas that you can buy in the United States are made at one of the North American plants.

For instance, the perennially well-liked Toyota 86 is produced in Japan. This is because it is a joint venture with Subaru and the vehicle is produced in the Subaru Gunma facility.

Another vehicle that is sold in the US but is only produced in two Japanese plants is the venerable Toyota Prius (there was also assembly in China at one point).

Does Toyota Still Make Cars In Australia?

Australia once produced a number of Toyota vehicles. In actuality, Australian Motor Industries (AMI) started building some Toyota vehicles under license to sell in the Australian market in the middle of the 20th century, which is when Toyota production in Australia first began. Since Australia was the first country outside of Japan to have a Toyota plant built, the brand has played a crucial role in the development of the local car sector. Toyota and Holden teamed up to develop a number of rebadged vehicles in the late 1980s (in response to government legislation, a number of Japanese automakers entered joint ventures with Australian car companies to produce badge-engineered variants for the local and export markets). For instance, the Toyota Camry is available as a Holden Apollo. Toyotas continued to be produced in Australia during the 1990s and into the 2000s, but by the early 2010s, the country’s auto sector was declining and headed for an unstoppable collapse. Toyota declared in 2014 that it would stop all production in Australia, and the final vehicle to leave the factory was a Toyota Camry in 2017. Over the years, Toyota produced about 3.5 million cars in Australia, of which about 1.3 million were exported and the rest were sold domestically. Aside from Christchurch, where the editorial staff of Garage Dreams is situated, Toyota also used to manufacture vehicles in New Zealand, specifically in Thames on the North Island and at a facility in Sockburn in Christchurch.

Are Japanese-Built Toyotas More ReliableJapaneseMade Toyota

Where are Toyotas built in Japan more dependable? is a question we commonly see posted online. For instance, a Toyota Corolla developed domestically or in Japan can be available for purchase in the North American market (depending on the exact model and trim you are looking to buy). Some would-be purchasers insist on just getting a Toyota made in Japan because they feel it will be more dependable. This is one of those situations where there is a lot of “anecdata” but not a lot of concrete evidence.

Some claim that Japanese Toyotas are stronger and more reliable because of better manufacturing processes and parts procurement. There may have been some truth to this in the early years of Toyota production in America (for example, you can find a lot of people on Toyota forums and other message boards online who assert that their Toyotas from the 1990s/early 2000s that were built in Japan are superior to ones they have tried that were built in America or elsewhere). The truth is, however, that by 2021, automakers like Toyota will have a firm handle on ensuring that cars made in foreign factories are produced to a high standard (so high that the typical buyer wouldn’t be able to detect the difference). Unless they disassembled the automobile and checked individual parts, tolerances, etc. When it comes to building quality and dependability, for instance, we’ve seen claims made online that Volkswagen cars made in Mexico are now at least as good as those made in Germany. No matter where a Toyota product was made, we wouldn’t hesitate to purchase it. Consider this: Would Toyota, a firm whose reputation is built entirely on manufacturing durable and dependable cars, take the chance of creating inferior goods in factories located abroad? Most likely not, but if you’re willing to sacrifice dependability and build quality, there are better vehicles to choose from than a Toyota.

How Do You Tell Where Your Toyota Is Built?

By looking at your car’s VIN number, you may find out where your Toyota was produced if you’re curious. Consider the VIN as a “signature” that holds details about your car, including where it was manufactured, the precise model, the exterior color, etc. Your Toyota’s VIN can be found in the following places: On the registration paperwork, you received when you purchased the vehicle (at least if you bought it new) On insurance information, the VIN number may occasionally appear. Inside the driver’s-side door jamb, on the certification label, The VIN may typically be seen most clearly by looking through the dashboard on the metal plate on the driver’s side corner of the dashboard.

For example, here’s the location of the VIN card (the number itself is obfuscated) on a Toyota 86 door jamb:

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