How much is liability insurance for a business in the U.S?

How much is liability insurance for a business in the US?

The cost of liability insurance for a business in the US can vary significantly depending on several factors. Here’s a breakdown to give you an idea: How much is liability insurance for a business in the US?

  • Industry: Businesses in high-risk industries (construction, manufacturing) typically pay more than those in low-risk industries (administrative services).
  • Location: Areas with higher costs of living or a higher frequency of lawsuits tend to have pricier insurance.
  • Claims history: Businesses with a history of claims will likely pay more for insurance.
  • Coverage limits: The higher your coverage limits (the maximum amount the insurance company will pay per claim), the more expensive your premium will be.
  • Deductible: A higher deductible (the amount you pay out of pocket before insurance kicks in) can lower your premium.

Here’s a ballpark range for general liability (GL) insurance, the most common type of liability insurance for businesses:

  • Average Cost: $42 per month or $500 annually according to Insureon [Insureon small business insurance costs]. This reflects the median cost, meaning half of businesses pay more and half pay less.
  • Range: Costs can typically range from a few hundred dollars to a couple of thousand dollars annually [The Hartford general liability insurance cost].

Here are some resources to help you get a more accurate estimate for your LLC:

  • Online Quote Platforms: Several insurance providers and brokers offer online quote tools that can give you an estimate based on your specific business details.
  • Insurance Agents: Consulting with a business insurance agent can be helpful. They can assess your risks and recommend appropriate coverage options with quotes.


  • Getting quotes from multiple insurers is key to finding the best price for your business needs.
  • Don’t focus solely on cost; ensure the coverage limits and policy terms meet your risk profile.


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